Vous trouverez dans cette rubrique les offres de stage, de thèses, de post doctorats, de CDD et CDI à pourvoir dans les laboratoires partenaires du réseau.
Liste des annonces
2016/06/01 Imaging Research Scientist
Key responsibilities
As Site Scientist in the Hospices Civils de Lyon, you will first collaborate with the clinical site pre-clinical and clinical teams and Philips group to focus ideas, derive agreed timelines, and evaluate resulting prototypes.
You are responsible to design, develop and implement a Research Plan that is consistent with the CRB (Clinical Research Board), IS (Imaging Systems) and IT initiatives, and also playing on the strengths of the Academic site itself.
You will provide leadership in authoring of technical reports, publication in peer-reviewed journals as well as preparing submissions for European Commission research grants.
Becoming responsible for coordinating work between the Philips stakeholders and the clinical site, you will act as the single point of contact for the Academic center of the HCL as well as Philips for the GOPI Research Agreement.
Your team
The Site Research Scientist will report to the Head of the CRB in Europe, a cross-Business, global organization providing scientific support and expertise to research initiatives.
Our offer
The position offers much room for initiatives in research topics and design as well as for publishing and for extending scientific reputation. You will integrate a multidisciplinary and multi-site team and have the opportunity to have very diverse and enriching interactions with Philips internal stakeholders (Intellectual Property, Legal, Philips Research.) as well as a broad network of physicians and researchers in Lyon.
2016/06/01 Chercheur en imagerie, Philips, Lyon
Principales responsabilités
En tant que Chercheur aux Hospices Civils de Lyon, vous collaborez avec les équipes pré-cliniques et cliniques présentes sur site ainsi que les équipes Philips afin de définir les idées à développer ainsi que la durée des projets, et d’évaluer les prototypes attendus.
Vous créez et implémentez un plan de recherche en cohérence avec les initiatives du CRB (Clinical Research Board), des équipes Imaging Systems et IT, tout en vous appuyant sur les ressources du site.
Vous supervisez la rédaction des rapports techniques, des publications dans les revues scientifiques et vous préparez les demandes de subventions de recherche auprès de la Commission Européenne.
En tant que coordinateur/rice des travaux entre Philips et le site clinique, vous agissez comme point de contact unique pour les HCL et Philips dans le cadre du Research Agreement GOPI.
Votre équipe
Le chercheur GOPI rapporte au Directeur du CRB Europe, une organisation cross-business globale au sein de Philips qui apporte un support et une expertise scientifiques aux projets de recherches de Philips.
Notre offre
Le poste offre une liberté d’initiative importante concernant les projets de recherche, ainsi que pour les publications et le développement de la réputation scientifique de Philips. Vous intégrerez une équipe multidisciplinaire et multi-sites, et vous aurez l’opportunité de d’interagir avec une grande variété de fonctions au sein de Philips (Legal, propriété intellectuelle, Philips Research) ainsi qu’avec un large réseau de spécialistes et de chercheurs sur site.
2016/08/26 Post-doctoral position in pre-clinical ultrasound and optical imaging, Paris
Our team in involved in the H2020 European Project Folsmart ( http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/200186_en.html ) dedicated to the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis using a new strategy targeting folate receptors with a liposome-based nanovector. We are in charge of the pre-clinical evaluation of this nanovector and the investigation of its mechanism of action in mice. We will use in vivo imaging techniques to address these questions, including high resolution ultrasound, opto-acoustics (also called photoacoustics), in vivo bi-photon imaging and ultra-fast ultrasound imaging.
We offer a 2-year post-doctoral position to implement these tools in order to characterize and provide early assessment of the therapy in preclinical models of rheumatoid arthritis. Date of Employment should be between 17th October and the end of December 2016.
Enhancing Methotrexate Tolerance with Folate Tagged Liposomes in Arthritic Mice. Nogueira E, Lager F, Le Roux D, Nogueira P, Freitas J, Charvet C, Renault G, Loureiro A, Almeida CR, Ohradanova-Repic A, Machacek C, Bernardes GJ, Moreira A, Stockinger H, Burnet M, Carmo AM, Gomes AC, Preto A, Bismuth G, Cavaco-Paulo A. J Biomed Nanotechnol. 2015 Dec;11(12):2243-52.
Ultrasound and Doppler micro-imaging in a model of rheumatoid arthritis in mice. Clavel G, Marchiol-Fournigault C, Renault G, Boissier MC, Fradelizi D, Bessis N. Ann Rheum Dis. 2008 Dec;67(12):1765-72.
Single-side access, isotropic resolution, and multispectral three-dimensional photoacoustic imaging with rotate-translate scanning of ultrasonic detector array. Gateau, J., Gesnik, M., Chassot, J.-M., & Bossy, E. (2015). Journal of Biomedical Optics, 20(5), 056004.
2016/08/26 Post-doctoral position in pre-clinical ultrasound and optical imaging, Paris
Our team in involved in the H2020 European Project Folsmart ( http://cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/200186_en.html ) dedicated to the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis using a new strategy targeting folate receptors with a liposome-based nanovector. We are in charge of the pre-clinical evaluation of this nanovector and the investigation of its mechanism of action in mice. We will use in vivo imaging techniques to address these questions, including high resolution ultrasound, opto-acoustics (also called photoacoustics), in vivo bi-photon imaging and ultra-fast ultrasound imaging.
We offer a 2-year post-doctoral position to implement these tools in order to characterize and provide early assessment of the therapy in preclinical models of rheumatoid arthritis. Date of Employment should be between 17th October and the end of December 2016.
Enhancing Methotrexate Tolerance with Folate Tagged Liposomes in Arthritic Mice. Nogueira E, Lager F, Le Roux D, Nogueira P, Freitas J, Charvet C, Renault G, Loureiro A, Almeida CR, Ohradanova-Repic A, Machacek C, Bernardes GJ, Moreira A, Stockinger H, Burnet M, Carmo AM, Gomes AC, Preto A, Bismuth G, Cavaco-Paulo A. J Biomed Nanotechnol. 2015 Dec;11(12):2243-52.
Ultrasound and Doppler micro-imaging in a model of rheumatoid arthritis in mice. Clavel G, Marchiol-Fournigault C, Renault G, Boissier MC, Fradelizi D, Bessis N. Ann Rheum Dis. 2008 Dec;67(12):1765-72.
Single-side access, isotropic resolution, and multispectral three-dimensional photoacoustic imaging with rotate-translate scanning of ultrasonic detector array. Gateau, J., Gesnik, M., Chassot, J.-M., & Bossy, E. (2015). Journal of Biomedical Optics, 20(5), 056004.
2016/04/26 Post-doctoral position in quantitative hepato-pancreatic MR imaging, Paris
The position involves the development, implementation and validation of MR acquisition and post-processing methods to obtain imaging biomarkers of chronic diseases and tumors in the liver and pancreas. Quantitative imaging studies will be performed in phantoms, liver and pancreatic tissue, small animals, and patients. The MR methods include perfusion and diffusion imaging, chemical shift encoded imaging, quantitative susceptibility mapping and MR elastography Advanced image analysis and data integration are part of our ongoing translational research program on quantitative MR imaging of liver and abdominal diseases.
The main purpose of our research team is the development of new imaging biomarkers in inflammation, fibrosis and cancer. Our translational research team is composed of medical doctors, researchers and engineers. The imaging research team is one of the 13 research teams of the Center of Research on Inflammation in Paris. It is part of the French National Institute for Medical Research (INSERM), the University of Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité and is affiliated to the University Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (DHU Unity), as well as the French infrastructure for Imaging Research “France Life Imaging”.
The post-doctoral position has a 12-month initial employment basis, and may be renewable.
2016/04/26 Post-doctoral position in quantitative hepato-pancreatic MR imaging, Paris
The position involves the development, implementation and validation of MR acquisition and post-processing methods to obtain imaging biomarkers of chronic diseases and tumors in the liver and pancreas. Quantitative imaging studies will be performed in phantoms, liver and pancreatic tissue, small animals, and patients. The MR methods include perfusion and diffusion imaging, chemical shift encoded imaging, quantitative susceptibility mapping and MR elastography Advanced image analysis and data integration are part of our ongoing translational research program on quantitative MR imaging of liver and abdominal diseases.
The main purpose of our research team is the development of new imaging biomarkers in inflammation, fibrosis and cancer. Our translational research team is composed of medical doctors, researchers and engineers. The imaging research team is one of the 13 research teams of the Center of Research on Inflammation in Paris. It is part of the French National Institute for Medical Research (INSERM), the University of Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité and is affiliated to the University Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (DHU Unity), as well as the French infrastructure for Imaging Research “France Life Imaging”.
The post-doctoral position has a 12-month initial employment basis, and may be renewable.
2016/03/03 Post-doctoral position – multimodal SEP data, Rennes, France
Early medullar MRI markers and late physical handicap in multiple sclerosis patients – Exploitation of a multimodal and multi-centric project database
The main goal of this post-doctoral position will be to develop and evaluate new methods for spinal cord MR analysis and derive markers of spinal cord burden related to ambulatory disability. Therefore, the work will encompass several methodological tasks starting with registration between different MR sequences and between different time points in the same subject, and between different subjects at a given time point. This work will, among others, rely on methods developed in the research team.
The second challenge will be devoted to the extraction of regions of interest in the spinal cord, whether white matter, gray matter, lesions or spinal cord tracts, using tools available from the literature or adapted from similar tasks on brain MRI for this purpose. The post-doctorate will further use all these tools to process the EMISEP database in order to evaluate both focal and diffuse burden as well as their evolution in time. The correlation between these markers and clinical scores acquired in parallel will then be investigated.
From a methodological perspective, this work will deal with
• registration between modalities, time points and patients
• segmentation of the spinal cord and MS lesions
• distortion correction
• statistical comparisons between imaging and clinical score
2016/03/03 CDI Développeur logiciel @ First Light Imaging
Localisé(e) à Meyreuil (Aix en Provence), le développeur logiciel aura pour missions
- L’écriture des Interfaces Hommes Machines de nos produits
- Participer au développement des softs embarqués.
- Développer les interfaces pour les suites logiciels de traitement d’images (Image J)
- Relayer l’ingénieur senior dans toutes ses missions.
Produit ultra innovant, marché mondial, environnement dynamique et porteur de réelles opportunités.
Véritable « codeur » il doit écrire et inventer les interfaces de nos produits à la pointe de la technologie mondiale du secteur.
Ingénieur grande école ayant une première expérience dans ce domaine, force de proposition pour améliorer et pérenniser l’existant.
Anglais opérationnel, le (la) candidat (e) idéal (e) est autonome et capable de travailler en équipe.
CDI, salaire selon profil.
2016/03/03 CDI Développeur logiciel @ First Light Imaging
Localisé(e) à Meyreuil (Aix en Provence), le développeur logiciel aura pour missions
- L’écriture des Interfaces Hommes Machines de nos produits
- Participer au développement des softs embarqués.
- Développer les interfaces pour les suites logiciels de traitement d’images (Image J)
- Relayer l’ingénieur senior dans toutes ses missions.
Produit ultra innovant, marché mondial, environnement dynamique et porteur de réelles opportunités.
Véritable « codeur » il doit écrire et inventer les interfaces de nos produits à la pointe de la technologie mondiale du secteur.
Ingénieur grande école ayant une première expérience dans ce domaine, force de proposition pour améliorer et pérenniser l’existant.
Anglais opérationnel, le (la) candidat (e) idéal (e) est autonome et capable de travailler en équipe.
CDI, salaire selon profil.
2016-02-22 Postdoctoral position : Methodological developments in diffusion MRI, Bordeaux, France
A 18-month postdoctoral position is available under the supervision of Dr. Bassem HIBA at the university of Bordeaux, France. The position will consist in developing new high challenging methods for high resolution diffusion MRI. Developments will include MR image reconstruction using the Gadgetron library as well as pulse sequence programming. The candidate will work in a multidisciplinary team including physicists, computer and MRI scientists with a collaboration with SIEMENS.
The team has access to two research human MRI scanners (3T, PRISMA, SIEMENS).
Bordeaux is a 1-million urban area and hosts one of the largest university and research community in France. It is located in the South west of France in close proximity of the Atlantic Ocean. The city, part of the World Heritage List, offers a wide range of cultural and outdoors activities.
Conditions of employment
The duration of the position is 18 months. The gross annual salary is of 48 000 € with support from the “Bordeaux Idex”.
For more information and application please contact:
Bassem HIBA Ph.D
Senior researcher, CNRS
UMR 5287-Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives et Intégratives d'Aquitaine
Université de Bordeaux
Zone nord Bat 2 ème étage
146, rue Léo Saignat
33076 Bordeaux cedex. France
Tel: +33 5 57 57 17 34
email: bassem.hiba[at]u-bordeaux.fr