
In this section, you will find internships, thesis, post-doctorates, fixed-term and permanent contract vacancies in the network’s partner laboratories.

Liste des annonces

2016/03/03 Post-doctoral position – multimodal SEP data, Rennes, France

Early medullar MRI markers and late physical handicap in multiple sclerosis patients – Exploitation of a multimodal and multi-centric project database

The main goal of this post-doctoral position will be to develop and evaluate new methods for spinal cord MR analysis and derive markers of spinal cord burden related to ambulatory disability. Therefore, the work will encompass several methodological tasks starting with registration between different MR sequences and between different time points in the same subject, and between different subjects at a given time point. This work will, among others, rely on methods developed in the research team.

The second challenge will be devoted to the extraction of regions of interest in the spinal cord, whether white matter, gray matter, lesions or spinal cord tracts, using tools available from the literature or adapted from similar tasks on brain MRI for this purpose. The post-doctorate will further use all these tools to process the EMISEP database in order to evaluate both focal and diffuse burden as well as their evolution in time. The correlation between these markers and clinical scores acquired in parallel will then be investigated.
From a methodological perspective, this work will deal with
• registration between modalities, time points and patients
• segmentation of the spinal cord and MS lesions
• distortion correction
• statistical comparisons between imaging and clinical score

2016/03/03 CDI Développeur logiciel @ First Light Imaging

Localisé(e) à Meyreuil (Aix en Provence), le développeur logiciel aura pour missions
- L’écriture des Interfaces Hommes Machines de nos produits
- Participer au développement des softs embarqués.
- Développer les interfaces pour les suites logiciels de traitement d’images (Image J)
- Relayer l’ingénieur senior dans toutes ses missions.

Produit ultra innovant, marché mondial, environnement dynamique et porteur de réelles opportunités.

Véritable « codeur » il doit écrire et inventer les interfaces de nos produits à la pointe de la technologie mondiale du secteur.
Ingénieur grande école ayant une première expérience dans ce domaine, force de proposition pour améliorer et pérenniser l’existant.
Anglais opérationnel, le (la) candidat (e) idéal (e) est autonome et capable de travailler en équipe.
CDI, salaire selon profil.

2016/03/03 CDI Développeur logiciel @ First Light Imaging

Localisé(e) à Meyreuil (Aix en Provence), le développeur logiciel aura pour missions
- L’écriture des Interfaces Hommes Machines de nos produits
- Participer au développement des softs embarqués.
- Développer les interfaces pour les suites logiciels de traitement d’images (Image J)
- Relayer l’ingénieur senior dans toutes ses missions.

Produit ultra innovant, marché mondial, environnement dynamique et porteur de réelles opportunités.

Véritable « codeur » il doit écrire et inventer les interfaces de nos produits à la pointe de la technologie mondiale du secteur.
Ingénieur grande école ayant une première expérience dans ce domaine, force de proposition pour améliorer et pérenniser l’existant.
Anglais opérationnel, le (la) candidat (e) idéal (e) est autonome et capable de travailler en équipe.
CDI, salaire selon profil.

2016-02-22 Postdoctoral position : Methodological developments in diffusion MRI, Bordeaux, France

A 18-month postdoctoral position is available under the supervision of Dr. Bassem HIBA at the university of Bordeaux, France. The position will consist in developing new high challenging methods for high resolution diffusion MRI. Developments will include MR image reconstruction using the Gadgetron library as well as pulse sequence programming. The candidate will work in a multidisciplinary team including physicists, computer and MRI scientists with a collaboration with SIEMENS.

The team has access to two research human MRI scanners (3T, PRISMA, SIEMENS).

Bordeaux is a 1-million urban area and hosts one of the largest university and research community in France. It is located in the South west of France in close proximity of the Atlantic Ocean. The city, part of the World Heritage List, offers a wide range of cultural and outdoors activities.

Conditions of employment
The duration of the position is 18 months. The gross annual salary is of 48 000 € with support from the “Bordeaux Idex”.

For more information and application please contact:
Bassem HIBA Ph.D
Senior researcher, CNRS
UMR 5287-Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives et Intégratives d'Aquitaine
Université de Bordeaux
Zone nord Bat 2 ème étage
146, rue Léo Saignat
33076 Bordeaux cedex. France
Tel: +33 5 57 57 17 34
email: bassem.hiba[at]u-bordeaux.fr

2016-02-22 Postdoctoral position : Methodological developments in diffusion MRI, Bordeaux, France

A 18-month postdoctoral position is available under the supervision of Dr. Bassem HIBA at the university of Bordeaux, France. The position will consist in developing new high challenging methods for high resolution diffusion MRI. Developments will include MR image reconstruction using the Gadgetron library as well as pulse sequence programming. The candidate will work in a multidisciplinary team including physicists, computer and MRI scientists with a collaboration with SIEMENS.

The team has access to two research human MRI scanners (3T, PRISMA, SIEMENS).

Bordeaux is a 1-million urban area and hosts one of the largest university and research community in France. It is located in the South west of France in close proximity of the Atlantic Ocean. The city, part of the World Heritage List, offers a wide range of cultural and outdoors activities.

Conditions of employment
The duration of the position is 18 months. The gross annual salary is of 48 000 € with support from the “Bordeaux Idex”.

For more information and application please contact:
Bassem HIBA Ph.D
Senior researcher, CNRS
UMR 5287-Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives et Intégratives d'Aquitaine
Université de Bordeaux
Zone nord Bat 2 ème étage
146, rue Léo Saignat
33076 Bordeaux cedex. France
Tel: +33 5 57 57 17 34
email: bassem.hiba[at]u-bordeaux.fr

2016-02-22 Research fellow in theoretical/computational neuroscience

Open position: Research fellow in theoretical/computational neuroscience
Project title: Function brain tractography (F-TRACT)
Funding body: European Research Council (ERC)
Host institution: Inserm
Contract duration: 1 year, renewable
Starting date: As soon as possible. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

Job description:
The successful candidate will have to develop the theoretical part of the F-TRACT project, which mainly aims at developing large-scale hierarchal brain model(s) using new information produced by the F-TRACT atlas. The model(s) developed will need to be directly connected to the F-TRACT data.

Project scientific summary:
In patients suffering from focal drug-resistant epilepsy who are explored using intracranial electrodes, single-pulse direct electrical stimulation of a cortical region induces electrophysiological responses in many of the implanted electrodes. The presence, latency and morphological characteristics of these cortico-cortical induced potentials can be used to infer functional and anatomical brain connectivity.
Intracerebral electrodes record from a small fraction of the volume of the brain in a single individual, allowing studying only a small fraction of the possible brain connections.
In F-TRACT, we develop methods to analyse those responses in order to create a new probabilistic atlas of electrophysiological functional tractography of the human brain, which will be made freely available to the clinical and neuroscience community. Several thousand stimulation runs performed in several hundred patients will be included in the atlas database to reach a nearly full coverage of the
human cortex. Neuroanatomical data (MRI, CT), electrophysiological data (intracranial EEG) and clinical data (e.g. epilepsy type, age at surgery, anatomical lesion, epileptogenic region) are confidentially gathered by the F-TRACT project from epilepsy surgery centres worldwide.
This new atlas of functional tractography will be very useful to understand how the brain works and to develop neurocomputational models at a large scale. It will also allow the development of new clinical tools for the presurgical evaluation of intractable epilepsy.

2016-02-22 Research fellow in theoretical/computational neuroscience

Open position: Research fellow in theoretical/computational neuroscience
Project title: Function brain tractography (F-TRACT)
Funding body: European Research Council (ERC)
Host institution: Inserm
Contract duration: 1 year, renewable
Starting date: As soon as possible. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

Job description:
The successful candidate will have to develop the theoretical part of the F-TRACT project, which mainly aims at developing large-scale hierarchal brain model(s) using new information produced by the F-TRACT atlas. The model(s) developed will need to be directly connected to the F-TRACT data.

Project scientific summary:
In patients suffering from focal drug-resistant epilepsy who are explored using intracranial electrodes, single-pulse direct electrical stimulation of a cortical region induces electrophysiological responses in many of the implanted electrodes. The presence, latency and morphological characteristics of these cortico-cortical induced potentials can be used to infer functional and anatomical brain connectivity.
Intracerebral electrodes record from a small fraction of the volume of the brain in a single individual, allowing studying only a small fraction of the possible brain connections.
In F-TRACT, we develop methods to analyse those responses in order to create a new probabilistic atlas of electrophysiological functional tractography of the human brain, which will be made freely available to the clinical and neuroscience community. Several thousand stimulation runs performed in several hundred patients will be included in the atlas database to reach a nearly full coverage of the
human cortex. Neuroanatomical data (MRI, CT), electrophysiological data (intracranial EEG) and clinical data (e.g. epilepsy type, age at surgery, anatomical lesion, epileptogenic region) are confidentially gathered by the F-TRACT project from epilepsy surgery centres worldwide.
This new atlas of functional tractography will be very useful to understand how the brain works and to develop neurocomputational models at a large scale. It will also allow the development of new clinical tools for the presurgical evaluation of intractable epilepsy.

2016/02/04 – Research engineer in computer science, Grenoble

The successful candidate will have to maintain and develop computational infrastructures of the lab.
He/she will also be involved in image processing for computational human neuroanatomy in relation to epilepsy surgery.

Project scientific summary:
In patients suffering from focal drug-resistant epilepsy who are explored using intracranial electrodes, single-pulse direct electrical stimulation of a cortical region induces electrophysiological responses in many of the implanted electrodes. The presence, latency and morphological characteristics of these cortico-cortical induced potentials can be used to infer functional and anatomical brain connectivity. Intracerebral electrodes record from a small fraction of the volume of the brain in a single individual, allowing studying only a small fraction of the possible brain connections.
In F-TRACT, we develop methods to analyse those responses in order to create a new probabilistic atlas of electrophysiological functional tractography of the human brain, which will be made freely available to the clinical and neuroscience community. Several thousand stimulation runs performed in several hundred patients will be included in the atlas database to reach a nearly full coverage of the human cortex. Neuroanatomical data (MRI, CT), electrophysiological data (intracranial EEG) and clinical data (e.g. epilepsy type, age at surgery, anatomical lesion, epileptogenic region) are confidentially gathered by the F-TRACT project from epilepsy surgery centres worldwide. This new atlas of functional tractography will be very useful to understand how the brain works and to develop neurocomputational models at a large scale. It will also allow the development of new clinical tools for the presurgical evaluation of intractable epilepsy.

Host research group:
The main goal of the host research group (Brain Stimulation & Systems Neuroscience, PI: Olivier David) is to study large-scale brain networks in order to develop new applications of brain stimulation in the field of psychiatry, movement disorders and epilepsy using a translational approach based on clinical and preclinical research. Very close interactions between experimentalists, methodologists and clinicians, offer an optimal environment to develop skills of young neuroscientists.

2016/02/04 – Research engineer in computer science, Grenoble

The successful candidate will have to maintain and develop computational infrastructures of the lab.
He/she will also be involved in image processing for computational human neuroanatomy in relation to epilepsy surgery.

Project scientific summary:
In patients suffering from focal drug-resistant epilepsy who are explored using intracranial electrodes, single-pulse direct electrical stimulation of a cortical region induces electrophysiological responses in many of the implanted electrodes. The presence, latency and morphological characteristics of these cortico-cortical induced potentials can be used to infer functional and anatomical brain connectivity. Intracerebral electrodes record from a small fraction of the volume of the brain in a single individual, allowing studying only a small fraction of the possible brain connections.
In F-TRACT, we develop methods to analyse those responses in order to create a new probabilistic atlas of electrophysiological functional tractography of the human brain, which will be made freely available to the clinical and neuroscience community. Several thousand stimulation runs performed in several hundred patients will be included in the atlas database to reach a nearly full coverage of the
human cortex. Neuroanatomical data (MRI, CT), electrophysiological data (intracranial EEG) and clinical data (e.g. epilepsy type, age at surgery, anatomical lesion, epileptogenic region) are confidentially gathered by the F-TRACT project from epilepsy surgery centres worldwide. This new atlas of functional tractography will be very useful to understand how the brain works and to develop neurocomputational models at a large scale. It will also allow the development of new clinical tools for the presurgical evaluation of intractable epilepsy.

Host research group:
The main goal of the host research group (Brain Stimulation & Systems Neuroscience, PI: Olivier David) is to study large-scale brain networks in order to develop new applications of brain stimulation in the field of psychiatry, movement disorders and epilepsy using a translational approach based on clinical and preclinical research. Very close interactions between experimentalists, methodologists and
clinicians, offer an optimal environment to develop skills of young neuroscientists.

Ingénieur Qualité (CDD)

FLI recherche un ingénieur qualité pour soutenir les groupes de travail constitués.
Il(elle) animera les groupes de travail en charge de l’harmonisation et de l’amélioration des "bonnes pratiques professionnelles" définies au sein de ce réseau (contrôles qualité et réglementaires, traçabilité, fiabilité des équipements, etc).
Il(elle) devra ensuite déployer ces bonnes pratiques sur l'ensemble des sites.
Après une formation à la qualité (normes ISO 9001 et NFX 50-900), Il(elle) élaborera et mettra en place un système de management qualité selon ces référentiels.
Il(elle) sera en lien avec la mission qualité du GIS IBiSA chargée de la coordination nationale des démarches qualité sur les plateformes technologiques de recherche labélisées IBiSA et sur les Infrastructures du Programmes d’Investissement d’Avenir.

Le contrat est de 18 mois, éventuellement renouvelable une fois.
