Vous trouverez dans cette rubrique les offres de stage, de thèses, de post doctorats, de CDD et CDI à pourvoir dans les laboratoires partenaires du réseau.
Liste des annonces
2018/03/06 – Post-doctorat en Neuroimagerie et Connectomique (CDD 2 ans)
Le Ginesislab recherche un(e) post-doctorant(e) pour réaliser des recherches sur la construction du connectome du cerveau humain en utilisant les données d’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) structurelle et fonctionnelle. Étudier le connectome du cerveau humain requiert à la fois de s’intéresser à la connectivité anatomique et à la connectivité fonctionnelle. Cette dernière et les différentes fonctions cognitives associées sont nécessairement contraintes par la connectivité anatomique sous-jacente, bien que les relations précises entre ces deux formes de connectivités soient encore loin d’être claires. L’objectif de ce stage est ainsi de combler le fossé entre structure et fonction et comprendre comment le vaste répertoire des états fonctionnels du cerveau humain peut émerger de sa structure anatomique. Cette étude portera sur les données structurelles et fonctionnelles de deux larges cohortes de sujets (BIL&GIN n=450 et i-Share n=1850) et se fera sous la direction de deux chercheurs du Groupe d’Imagerie Neurofonctionnelle (GIN-IMN, UMR5293) experts respectivement en imagerie fonctionnelle du repos (M. Joliot) et en imagerie de diffusion et tractographie (L. Petit). Elle bénéficiera également de la collaboration avec le Sherbrooke Connectivity Imaging Lab (SCIL, M. Descoteaux) expert dans le développement de méthodes d’analyse des données de diffusion. Un support méthodologique informatique sera
fourni par l’entreprise Fealinx spécialisée en gestion de données, avec une possibilité d’embauche dans cette entreprise au terme de ce stage postdoctoral dans le cadre du développement de sa filiale spécialisée en imagerie médicale. La seconde phase de ce stage postdoctoral concernera les méthodes de prédiction de l’organisation anatomo-fonctionnelle du cerveau d’un individu en utilisant des méthodes de classification du type « support vector machine », forêts aléatoires ou d’apprentissage profond en utilisant les phénotypes identifiés lors de la première phase.
Prise de fonction: dés que possible
Durée: 2 ans (contrat annualisé)
Pour être éligible, le dossier de candidature devra comporter :
• Un CV complet intégrant l’expérience du candidat ainsi que ses formations académiques ;
• Des lettres de recommandation de personnes pouvant apporter leur soutien au candidat ;
• Une lettre de motivation pour le poste, détaillée et personnalisée ;
• Les publications du candidat (format PDF).
Les candidatures seront évaluées par analyse du dossier et un entretien par les co-directeurs du Ginesislab.
2018/03/05 – PhD student in multimodal metabolic and functional imaging, Paris
The imaging lab of the Paris Cardiovascular Research Center is looking for a PhD candidate to develop cardiac applications of the new preclinical imaging device PETRUS combining Positron Emission Tomography and Ultrafast ultrasound: Provost et al. Nature Biomed. Eng. 2018;2(2):85-94.
Title of the PhD project: Multimodal metabolic and functional imaging of the ischemic heart using PET registered ultrafast sonography
Objective (s) of the project: Establish the correlation linking cardiac perfusion and function with metabolic flux of the normal and ischemic myocardium.
State of the art & rationale:
Determining whether a “stunned” or “hibernating” myocardium is viable, i.e., can benefit from a revascularization procedure, is a complex problem involving the mechanical, vascular, perfusion, and metabolism properties of the cardiac tissue.
Positron emission tomography (PET) and Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging (UUI) are, respectively, the most sensitive and the most specific viability imaging modalities when predicting functional recovery.
Viability imaging is at a crossroads: while viability imaging can predict functional recovery, the STITCH study demonstrated that it fails when attempting to predict the long-term outcomes of revascularization procedures.
These shortcomings could be potentially due in part to limitations of existing imaging technologies: the limited resolution of nuclear imaging techniques and the lack of quantification in echocardiography.
Novel imaging modes applied to cardiology bring new quantitative biomarkers to the table, namely, the imaging of intramyocardial vessels and of local myocardial stiffness.
Methods and tools:
Our world-first prototype of UUI combined with PET allows for simultaneous molecular, anatomical, and quantitative functional imaging of tissues and paves the way to novel synergistic imaging modes.
Main tasks:
1. To improve the accuracy of full coregistration of PET and UUI image volumes in 4D using the tools developed in the lab.
2. To extend UUI to perfusion imaging of the myocardium using contrast agents.
3. To apply PET-UUI to perfusion+stiffness+metabolic imaging of the heart in permanent and temporary (ischemia-reperfusion) models in rodents.
4. To progress towards the definition of new biomarkers of myocardial viability
Anticipated outcomes and potentials: to obtain and validate a new biomarker linking cardiac metabolism, output and perfusion.
Role of the doctoral student: to realize and analyse imaging experiments in the animal model.
1.Provost J, Garofalakis A, Sourdon J, Bouda D, Berthon B, Viel T, Perez-Liva M, Lussey-Lepoutre C, Favier J, Correia M, Pernot M, Chiche J, Pouysségur J, Tanter M, Tavitian B. Simultaneous Positron Emission Tomography and Ultrafast Ultrasound for Hybrid Molecular, Anatomical, and Functional Imaging. Nature Biomed Eng., 2018;2(2):85-94.
2. Mabrouk R, Dubeau F, Bentabet L. A Bayesian framework for the extraction of input function for 18F-FDG metabolism study for both healthy and infarcted rats' hearts. J. Biomed. Graphics Comput., 2013, 3(4):9-19
3. Lanz B, Poitry-Yamate C, Gruetter R. Image-Derived Input Function from the Vena Cava for 18F-FDG PET Studies in Rats and Mice, J Nucl Med 2014; 55:1380–1388
4. Su HL, Qian YQ, Wei ZR, He JG, Li GQ, Zhang J, Zhou XD, Jing W. Real-time myocardial contrast echocardiography in rat: Infusion versus bolus administration, Ultrasound Med. Biol. 2009, 35(5):748–755, 2009
2018/03/05 – PhD student in multimodal metabolic and functional imaging, Paris
The imaging lab of the Paris Cardiovascular Research Center is looking for a PhD candidate to develop cardiac applications of the new preclinical imaging device PETRUS combining Positron Emission Tomography and Ultrafast ultrasound: Provost et al. Nature Biomed. Eng. 2018;2(2):85-94.
Title of the PhD project: Multimodal metabolic and functional imaging of the ischemic heart using PET registered ultrafast sonography
Objective (s) of the project: Establish the correlation linking cardiac perfusion and function with metabolic flux of the normal and ischemic myocardium.
State of the art & rationale:
Determining whether a “stunned” or “hibernating” myocardium is viable, i.e., can benefit from a revascularization procedure, is a complex problem involving the mechanical, vascular, perfusion, and metabolism properties of the cardiac tissue.
Positron emission tomography (PET) and Ultrafast Ultrasound Imaging (UUI) are, respectively, the most sensitive and the most specific viability imaging modalities when predicting functional recovery.
Viability imaging is at a crossroads: while viability imaging can predict functional recovery, the STITCH study demonstrated that it fails when attempting to predict the long-term outcomes of revascularization procedures.
These shortcomings could be potentially due in part to limitations of existing imaging technologies: the limited resolution of nuclear imaging techniques and the lack of quantification in echocardiography.
Novel imaging modes applied to cardiology bring new quantitative biomarkers to the table, namely, the imaging of intramyocardial vessels and of local myocardial stiffness.
Methods and tools:
Our world-first prototype of UUI combined with PET allows for simultaneous molecular, anatomical, and quantitative functional imaging of tissues and paves the way to novel synergistic imaging modes.
Main tasks:
1. To improve the accuracy of full coregistration of PET and UUI image volumes in 4D using the tools developed in the lab.
2. To extend UUI to perfusion imaging of the myocardium using contrast agents.
3. To apply PET-UUI to perfusion+stiffness+metabolic imaging of the heart in permanent and temporary (ischemia-reperfusion) models in rodents.
4. To progress towards the definition of new biomarkers of myocardial viability
Anticipated outcomes and potentials: to obtain and validate a new biomarker linking cardiac metabolism, output and perfusion.
Role of the doctoral student: to realize and analyse imaging experiments in the animal model.
1.Provost J, Garofalakis A, Sourdon J, Bouda D, Berthon B, Viel T, Perez-Liva M, Lussey-Lepoutre C, Favier J, Correia M, Pernot M, Chiche J, Pouysségur J, Tanter M, Tavitian B. Simultaneous Positron Emission Tomography and Ultrafast Ultrasound for Hybrid Molecular, Anatomical, and Functional Imaging. Nature Biomed Eng., 2018;2(2):85-94.
2. Mabrouk R, Dubeau F, Bentabet L. A Bayesian framework for the extraction of input function for 18F-FDG metabolism study for both healthy and infarcted rats' hearts. J. Biomed. Graphics Comput., 2013, 3(4):9-19
3. Lanz B, Poitry-Yamate C, Gruetter R. Image-Derived Input Function from the Vena Cava for 18F-FDG PET Studies in Rats and Mice, J Nucl Med 2014; 55:1380–1388
4. Su HL, Qian YQ, Wei ZR, He JG, Li GQ, Zhang J, Zhou XD, Jing W. Real-time myocardial contrast echocardiography in rat: Infusion versus bolus administration, Ultrasound Med. Biol. 2009, 35(5):748–755, 2009
2018/02/22 – Postdoctoral position: « Organic chemistry and radiochemistry » (1 year)
Applicants are invited to apply for a postdoctoral researcher position in organic chemistry and radiochemistry funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).
Combined [18F]PET/NIRF imaging (Positron Emission Tomography/Near Infra Red Fluorescence) hold a huge potential to transform patient diagnosis and care. Such a combination conjugates the non-invasive whole-body diagnosis of PET with the intraoperative imaging-guided surgery or ex vivo histopathology of NIRF imaging. To implement this highly valuable dual imaging theranostic approach, adapted and smart imaging tools have to be developed. In the frame of the M3ODALIty project funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), new monomolecular, multivalent and multiplexed PET/NIRF imaging agents will be synthesized.
The objectives are:
- To synthesize a series of dual PET/NIRF probes bearing a fluorine-18 atom,
- To functionalize bambusuril-based scaffolds with in vivo targeting entities and the dual imaging dye to build new imaging agents that can be used in combined PET and NIRF imaging.
The laboratories involved in M3ODALIty are located at the CEA-Saclay and Orsay (around 20 km south of Paris).
June/September 2018,
2018/02/22 – Postdoctoral position: « Organic chemistry and radiochemistry » (1 year)
Applicants are invited to apply for a postdoctoral researcher position in organic chemistry and radiochemistry funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).
Combined [18F]PET/NIRF imaging (Positron Emission Tomography/Near Infra Red Fluorescence) hold a huge potential to transform patient diagnosis and care. Such a combination conjugates the non-invasive whole-body diagnosis of PET with the intraoperative imaging-guided surgery or ex vivo histopathology of NIRF imaging. To implement this highly valuable dual imaging theranostic approach, adapted and smart imaging tools have to be developed. In the frame of the M3ODALIty project funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), new monomolecular, multivalent and multiplexed PET/NIRF imaging agents will be synthesized.
The objectives are:
- To synthesize a series of dual PET/NIRF probes bearing a fluorine-18 atom,
- To functionalize bambusuril-based scaffolds with in vivo targeting entities and the dual imaging dye to build new imaging agents that can be used in combined PET and NIRF imaging.
The laboratories involved in M3ODALIty are located at the CEA-Saclay and Orsay (around 20 km south of Paris).
June/September 2018,
2018/02/18 – CTO en segmentation/ traitement d’image et développement logiciel
Anenke, une startup située dans l'incubateur Paris Biotech, sur le site de Cochin, recherche un candidat spécialisé en segmentation, traitement d'image et développement logiciel.
Activités principales :
1. Segmentation 3D automatique
● Segmentation d’organes à partir de fichiers 3D (scanners optiques, cone beam…)
● Orientation et labelling de chaque segment anatomique.
2. Développement d’un logiciel de conception 3D scriptée
La majorité des prothèses/orthèses répondent à des règles de conception identiques. La seule différence inter-patients étant la variabilité anatomique.
● À l’aide d’un modèle segmenté automatiquement et des règles de conception, développer un logiciel capable de concevoir automatiquement des prothèses et orthèses sur mesures.
● Logiciel avec des intégrations avec les scanners optiques et les scanners à rayons X (ou cone beam CT) d’une part et avec les imprimantes 3D d’autres part.
● Logiciel en mode Saas permettant aux praticiens d’apporter des corrections simplement via une interface graphique puis d’imprimer en 3D, dans leur cabinets, les prothèses/orthèses en un minimum de temps.
Activités optionnelles
Simulation automatisée avec apprentissage des préférences utilisateurs
● Développer un outil de génération de simulations de traitement, mettant en avant les thérapeutiques les plus efficaces.
● Ce logiciel aura la capacité d’apprendre et d’améliorer la conception 3D et/ou la simulation 3D en fonction des corrections apportées par les médecins et dentistes.
2018/02/18 – CTO en segmentation/ traitement d’image et développement logiciel
Anenke, une startup située dans l'incubateur Paris Biotech, sur le site de Cochin, recherche un candidat spécialisé en segmentation, traitement d'image et développement logiciel.
Activités principales :
1. Segmentation 3D automatique
● Segmentation d’organes à partir de fichiers 3D (scanners optiques, cone beam…)
● Orientation et labelling de chaque segment anatomique.
2. Développement d’un logiciel de conception 3D scriptée
La majorité des prothèses/orthèses répondent à des règles de conception identiques. La seule différence inter-patients étant la variabilité anatomique.
● À l’aide d’un modèle segmenté automatiquement et des règles de conception, développer un logiciel capable de concevoir automatiquement des prothèses et orthèses sur mesures.
● Logiciel avec des intégrations avec les scanners optiques et les scanners à rayons X (ou cone beam CT) d’une part et avec les imprimantes 3D d’autres part.
● Logiciel en mode Saas permettant aux praticiens d’apporter des corrections simplement via une interface graphique puis d’imprimer en 3D, dans leur cabinets, les prothèses/orthèses en un minimum de temps.
Activités optionnelles
Simulation automatisée avec apprentissage des préférences utilisateurs
● Développer un outil de génération de simulations de traitement, mettant en avant les thérapeutiques les plus efficaces.
● Ce logiciel aura la capacité d’apprendre et d’améliorer la conception 3D et/ou la simulation 3D en fonction des corrections apportées par les médecins et dentistes.
2018/02/09 – Postdoctoral position – PET/MR applications and correction of PET artifacts using MR information, Milan, Italy
The MRI scientist will be involved in projects focused on the development MR pulse sequences and artifact correction methods for applications in clinical PET/MR research. Research will be conducted within the new PET/MR team of the Nuclear Medicine Department including PET, MR scientists as well as clinicians.
The OSR imaging center of houses 3 General Electric PET/CT scanners, five Philips 1.5T MR scanners, one Philips Achieva 3T MR scanner and one Bruker preclinical 7T scanner.
2018/02/09 – Postdoctoral position – PET/MR applications and correction of PET artifacts using MR information, Milan, Italy
The MRI scientist will be involved in projects focused on the development MR pulse sequences and artifact correction methods for applications in clinical PET/MR research. Research will be conducted within the new PET/MR team of the Nuclear Medicine Department including PET, MR scientists as well as clinicians.
The OSR imaging center of houses 3 General Electric PET/CT scanners, five Philips 1.5T MR scanners, one Philips Achieva 3T MR scanner and one Bruker preclinical 7T scanner.
2018/02/08 – (Senior) Research Associate in Medical Image (48 months)
The primary responsibility will be to develop and evaluate novel data analysis algorithms and to facilitate pre clinical and clinical implementation of novel technology. The person will also assist with pre-clinical and clinical studies (e.g. facilitating data transfer and adherence to quality standards, analysis of results and reporting). It is anticipated that the outcomes of the research will lead to publications and presentations at local and international conferences.
SPCCT research engineer position requires an individual who is professional, self-learner, with can-do approach, team player and good communication skills. In this role, you will be part of an international and multidisciplinary research team that is developing a new spectral photon counting CT system (SPCCT).
Examples of current analysis development linked to clinical research projects are listed below:
• Characterizing and Improving Quantification of spectral CT Biomarkers for Evaluation of Disease Progression and Treatment Effectiveness in cardio and neuro vascular disease.
• Analysis of multi-parametric MRI and spectral CT data for cardio and neuro vascular applications including CT and MR perfusion.
Anticipated projects include:
• Evaluation of novel contrast media for spectral CT imaging for cardio and neuro vascular applications.
- Coordinate the research project activity (review project definition for appropriateness, advise on best ways to use the scanner, scan and analysis scheduling, results consolidation) for all activities using the SPCCT system.
- Develop and validate novel algorithms applicable to SPCCT, and dual energy CT, pre-clinical and clinical research studies.
- Ensure effective communication between the multi international partners in academia and clinicians and research for the timely completion of research projects wherein those partners are using the SPCCT system.
- Managing all the data being generated by the system, research databases, system configuration, updates, and data manipulation, including images transferred/stored in the PACS or other archival systems
- Assist in developing new tools and algorithms for analyzing, viewing and processing spectral CT data.
- Work with the project partners to assist and sometimes perform data analysis.
- Work with the SPCCT research operator to assure smooth daily operation of the system and sometimes execute scanning for the research projects and assist or execute scanning of animals when part of the pre-clinical research projects
- Participate in publications of results, including manuscript writing.
- Explore and propose and potentially lead new research opportunities for the system.
- Present the SPCCT Project and research results at workshops and conferences.
Grade: (Senior) Research Associate (Grade 7 or 8)
Start: As soon as possible
This post is initially for a period of 48 months.