Offres d'emploi

Date de l'annonce : lundi 9 septembre 2024

Intitulé du poste : Postdoctoral position in organic synthesis / fluorine-18 radiochemistry (12 months)

Type de structure : Laboratory: BioMaps (, CEA/Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot (SHFJ), 4 place du Général Leclerc 91400 Orsay
The research will be carried out at SHFJ in the "Development of Radiopharmaceuticals and Imaging Agents" group (leader: B. Kuhnast) of BioMaps research unit (Head: Pr. V. Lebon). The SHFJ is a preclinical and clinical multimodal molecular imaging platform dedicated to radioisotope, MRI and ultrasound imaging. It is equipped with organic chemistry laboratories, 2 cyclotrons for the production of fluorine-18 and carbon-11 and radiochemistry laboratories as well as preclinical and clinical imagers.

Contexte et mission : CONTEXT
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging is a major diagnostic tool in medicine for the detection and the monitoring of a wide range of diseases. This imaging technique relies on the injection of a molecule labeled with a positron emitter, a short-lived radioisotope such as fluorine-18 (T1/2 = 109 min). The radioactivity can then be precisely and quantitatively detected by a PET camera to visualize the distribution of the labeled compound.
We aim to use PET imaging for the in vivo detection of metal ions, and more particularly Zn2+, using a dedicated labeled peptide. Indeed, metal ions are involved in many fundamental biological processes and an altered regulation of the concentration of metal ions can be associated with acute and long-term diseases. Zinc is of particular interest as it is an essential micronutrient and imbalance of zinc concentration has been associated with diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, cancers and epilepsy.
This ANR-funded project aims to design novel bioinspired MRI contrast agents (CAs) based on zinc-finger peptides for the detection of Zn2+ in vivo in the extracellular media. These CAs will be designed by collaborators in Grenoble and Orléans and PET imaging will be used to quantify their biodistribution and help establish a proof-of-concept with a dedicated diabetes model.
In this context, the postdoctoral candidate will work on fluorine-18 labeling of zinc-finger peptides developed by our collaborators. To reach this goal, the preparation of [18F]-fluoride/aluminum complexes or the formation of [18F]-fluoride/boron bonds and their use for the radiolabeling of model compounds will be implemented on a radiosynthesis automate. The most successful conditions will then be applied to relevant compounds for PET imaging and biodistribution studies.

Starting date: The position is to be filled from January 2025

Lieu : BioMaps (, CEA/Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot (SHFJ), 4 place du Général Leclerc 91400 Orsay

Rémunération : Depending on curriculum

Diplômes requis : PhD in organic chemistry or radiochemistry

Compétences requises : Experience in radiochemistry is not required, but the candidates should have a keen interest to discover new techniques within the field of radiochemistry for PET imaging.

Contact : Please send a detailed CV and a cover letter to and

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