RE1 – Molecular imaging agents

vignette_WP1Coordinator :

Pascal Dumy, ENSCM Montpellier

WP research centers: 

Laboratoire Cobra – équipe chimie organique, Rouen ICMUB équipe P2DA, DijonCentre de biophysique nucléaire UPR 4301, OrléansInstitut Galien Paris Sud, Chatenay MalabryInstitut Frédéric Joliot, SaclayCarMeN équipe 3, Institut des Biomolécules Max Mousseron, Montpellier.


The objective of the « molecular imaging agents » WP1 is the manufacturing of known agents for which there is no commercial supply and the development of new “smart” imaging agents for biomedical research and clinical application.

The WP1 aims to gather and coordinate all the partners working in the field of molecular imaging agents in France and enable major breakthrough in the in vivo imaging field (optical agents, MR agents, …). It stimulates interdisciplinarity into collaborative projects and translational research, which will enable the design, manufacturing and clinical use of new molecular imaging agents, with an enhanced sensitivity and selectivity and a minimal toxicity.

To reach these ambitious objectives, the WP1 is composed of 4 working groups:

  • Modular targeting platform for imaging

  • Probes and contrast agents development

  • Nanoparticles for imaging

  • Proof of concept, clinical applications, translational research




  • Slide JL Coll IAB, U-823 Grenoble
  • Slide F Denat ICMUB, UMR-6302 Dijon
  • Slide E Fattal, UMR-8612, Chatenay-Malabry