Cerebral mophological and connectivity data sets in the brain of synesthetes at 3T MRI
Imaging modalities
T1 / T2 and diffusion MRI data sets acquired on a 3T MRI scanner
Dojat, M., Pizzagalli, F., Hupe, J.M., 2018. Magnetic resonance imaging does not reveal structural alterations in the brain of grapheme-color synesthetes. PLOS One 13, 1-21.
Contact / link to download the data sets
The raw data sets can be made available to qualified researchers upon request. Requests should be submitted to the Shanoir group (shanoir-contact@lists.gforge.inria.fr or https://shanoir.irisa.fr/) with the following indications: Concerned Study: Sharing_SynesthesiaStructuralData; My Contact in Shanoir: Michel Dojat; Role in the Study: PlosOne.