Under the supervision of the CEA, Régine TREBOSSEN, assisted by a national steering committee, and a board of institution coordinates France Life Imaging.
The national level Management Office is composed of the National Coordinator, the operational coordinator and a team of project managers for financial aspects, communication, and training. The Management office is in charge of the execution of the decisions and policies adopted by the national steering committee and ensure the day-to-day management of the infrastructure.
The management office was responsible for design, implementation and maintenance of the consortium agreement (as legal framework with the partners) and the grant agreement (as legal framework with the ANR) and for proposition and handling of amendments. The consortium agreement will also resolve any other contractual issues related to the consortium, keep up with national regulations and implement such regulations if they involve work conducted within the consortium.
The national steering committee includes the hub and the networks of expertise leaders (S. Jan – Paris Sud, Ph Garteiser – Paris Centre, V. Dousset– Bordeaux, D. Fagret – Grenoble, P. Douek – Lyon, M. Bernard – Marseille, J. Felblinger – Grand Est, I. Berry – Occitan, J.-C. Ferré, Grand Ouest, M. Dojat – IAM, P. Dumy – Molecular Imaging agents, L. Darrasse – instrumentation and innovative technologies, M. de Mathelin – interventional imaging, D. Visvikis – Data and image processing, A. Dubois – Training, R. Trebossen – Management) as well as a representative from the CNRS research institute.
The national steering committee is commissioned:
To define the strategic orientations of the infrastructure,
To coordinate the collaborations and the scientific exchanges between the nodes,
To monitor the performance of the infrastructure and to implement actions ensuring the best performance,
To monitor and evaluate the actions of the work-packages,
To define and set up the communication strategy,
To broadcast the research and service requests arriving from the main point of entry.
It meets once a month, 11 months a year.
The steering committee is advised by a Biomedical Imaging Advisory Board (BIAB) meeting as often as required. The board gathers international key opinion leaders in the field of medical imaging and its fields of application. Its role is to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the infrastructure, and to propose new avenues for research and development. The BIAB is also commissioned to provide broad scientific guidelines.
The decisions of the national Steering Committee are transmitted to the imaging facilities by regional and scientific steering committees.
The BIAB is composed of the following four members :
- Jacques BITTOUN, Past President of Paris-Saclay University
- Jolenta KUNIKOWSKA, Medical University of Varsow, President of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM)
- Oliver SPECK, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg
Infrastructure coordination
Régine Trébossen | Camille Dierickx | Laura Kolb |
Coordinator | Program manager for the networks of expertise and training, and the national coordination board | Project manager |
regine.trebossen[at]cea.fr | camille.dierickx[at]cea.fr | laura.kolb[at]cea.fr |
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